The Easter Cycle


Prepare for the season of Lent

February 16th to March 4th

 We are invited by the Liturgy to contemplate the misery of fallen humanity and the fatal consequences of original and actual sin. The Fall (original sin), the Flood (resulting from the malice of actual sin), and the Sacrifice of Melchizedek (a foreshadowing of the Sacrifice of Christ by which He worked our salvation from sin).

Sunday, February 16th Septuagesima

Saturday, February 22nd Chair of St. Peter

Sunday, February 23rd Sexagesima

Sunday, March 2nd Quinquagesim

Laws of Days of Abstinence:

Current Practice

  • Begins on one's 14th birthday
  • Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent
  • Obliges abstention from flesh meat

Laws of Days of Abstinence:

The Discipline of 1962

  • Begins on one's 7th birthday
  • Complete Abstinence: All Fridays of the year, Ash Wednesday, Holy Saturday, and the Vigil of Christmas
  • Partial Abstinence (meat and soup or gravy made from meat permitted once a day at the principle meal) : all the days of Lent, Ember Days of Wednesday and Saturday, and the Vigils of Pentecost and the Assumption.
  • Abstinence from meat is dispensed on Holy Days of Obligation

Laws of Days of Fast:

Current Practice

  • One full meal permitted and two other meals may be taken which, when combined, are less than a full meal
  • Applies to everyone aged 18 to 59, inclusive.
  • Ash Wednesday and Good Fridays

Laws of Days of Fast:

The Discipline of 1962

  • One full meal permitted and two other meals may be taken which, when combined, are less than a full meal
  • Applies to everyone aged 21 to 59, inclusive.
  • Days of Lent from Ash Wednesday inclusive, Ember Days, and Vigils of Christmas, Pentecost and the Assumption.

St. Peter’s Chair Feast Day

Saturday, February 22nd

7:00 a.m. Low Mass

9:00 a.m. Low Mass

Members of the Confraternity of Saint Peter are invited to attend the Feast of Saint Peter's Chair at 9:00 am on Saturday, 22 February. Current members will renew their commitment and prospective new members will be enrolled. Members receive a plenary indulgence on this day. Breakfast follows Holy Mass in the social hall.

Lenten Season

March 5th to April 5th

Ash Wednesday

The Beginning of Lent March 5th

"You are dust, and to dust you shall return."

Genesis 3:19

Ash Wednesday Services

6:30 a.m. Low Mass

12:00 noon Low Mass

7:30 p.m. High Mass

March 9th First Sunday of Lent

March 12th Ember Wednesday in Lent

March 14th Ember Friday in Lent

March 15th Ember Saturday in Lent

March 16th Second Sunday of Lent

March 23rd Third Sunday of Lent

March 30th Fourth Sunday of Lent

Laetare Sunday

Stations of the Cross

Every Friday in Lent at 7:00 p.m., followed by Low Mass

The Feast of St. Joseph

Wednesday, March 19th

6:30 a.m. Low Mass

7:00 p.m. High Mass

Lenten Retreat

Friday, March 21st to Sunday, March 23rd

Details forthcoming

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Tuesday, March 25th

6:30 a.m. Low Mass

7:00 p.m. High Mass


April 6th to April 19th

Sunday April 6th Passion Sunday

Monday of Passion Week

Tuesday of Passion Week

Thursday of Passion Week

Friday of Passion Week

Saturday of Passion Week

Holy Week Schedule

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Palm Sunday

April 13th

8:00 a.m. Blessing of the Palms

High Mass

10:30 a.m. Low Mass

1:00 p.m. Low Mass

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Holy Thursday

April 17th

6:00 p.m. High Mass

Adoration until Midnight

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Good Friday


Stations at 12:00 noon
Liturgy at

3:00 p.m.

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Holy Saturday

apRIL 19TH

Holy Saturday is the day of mourning and waiting. No Mass is offered, and the altar is laid bare as we mediate on the Passion and Death of the Lord and await His Resurrection.

( The Missive April 15,2013)

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Easter Vigil

9:30 p.m. Easter Vigil
At or about midnight, the rites of the Easter Vigil conclude, the first Mass of Easter commences.

( The Missive April 15,2013)

Easter Sunday,April 20th

8:00 a.m. Low Mass

10:30 a.m. High Mass


April 20th to June 8th

Divine Mercy Sunday

April 27th
8:00 a.m. Low Mass
10:30 a.m. High Mass
1:00 p.m. Low Mass

3:00 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet,
led by Deacon Anderson

A plenary indulgence is granted to those who take part in the prayers and devotions held in honor of Divine Mercy, or who, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed or in the tabernacle, recite one Our Father and the Creed, adding a devout prayer to the merciful Lord Jesus. Those who for a just cause cannot get to church can gain the same indulgence by reciting one Our Father and the Creed, adding a devout prayer to the merciful Lord Jesus before an image of the Divine Mercy.

St. Joseph the Workman

Thursday, May 1st
6:30 a.m. Low Mass
7:00 p.m. High Mass

Ascension Thursday

May 29th

6:30 a.m. Low Mass

7:00 p.m. High Mass

Saturday June 7th Vigil of Pentecost

Pentecost Sunday, June 8th

8:00 a.m. Low Mass

10:30 a.m. High Mass

1:00 p.m. Low Mass

Pentecost Monday

Pentecost Tuesday

Ember Wednesday in the Octave of Pentecost

Ember Thursday in the Octave of Pentecost

Ember Friday in the Octave of Pentecost

Ember Saturday in the Octave of Pentecost

The Easter Season ends and the Time after Pentecost begins with First Vespers of Trinity Sunday.

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