An apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter for the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
The parish program for Catholic education (CCD) provides our students an environment conducive to their highest spiritual, intellectual, and moral development. Our program runs from August through May every Sunday for all youth kindergarten through 12th grade.
To complete registration for your child in the CCD program, these forms MUST be completed, signed, and turned in to the office. If you have registered your children online in the ParishSoft CCD module, then you do NOT need to complete the paper registration form. All other forms must be completed.
1. Child and Youth Protection form—This form is also called the “Opt Out” form. Parents are the primary educators of their children. We are required to present Teaching Safety—Empowering God’s Children, a sexual abuse prevention program with children in our CCD program UNLESS the parents decide to handle this instruction themselves. If you DO NOT want your child to participate, please check the box and fill out the bottom of this form.
2. Annual Medical Release form—This form is necessary to give us the information and permission to seek medical attention for your child in the event treatment is needed and you are not present. Please fill out this form carefully and sign front and back.
3. Media Release form—This form allows the parent to decide if their child may be included in interviews, images, and videos taken and circulated by the parish. Please read the form carefully and decide if you want to grant permission or not for media of your child to be used in communications.
4. CCD Registration form—This form needs to be filled out ONLY if you did not register your child online through ParishSoft.
If your child is making First Holy Communion or Confirmation this term, we must have a baptismal certificate for all children who were baptized outside of this parish. This term there will be no Pre-K or Kindergarten classes. All students who are already confirmed will participate in a post-Confirmation class to prepare them to live as adult Catholics in the world today. This is a much-needed class and promises to be quite dynamic. Parents are invited to attend this class.
If you have any questions or concerns with the registration process, please don’t hesitate to contact the parish office.
Anyone Interested in becoming an adult volunteer or catechist, should contact the parish office at 770-948-6888.
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