
For those who desire to convert or who are returning to the Catholic Faith.  Please call the parish office at 770-948-6888 or email [email protected]


Parishioners, please fill out the Baptism Form and send it to the office at least six weeks before the birth of your child.

Baptismal sponsors, godparents must meet the requirements of the Catholic Church and must request a sponsor letter from their home parish.  

Please call the Parish Office at 770-948-6888 during parish office hours for more information on the sacrament of Baptism. 

What is the role of a Godparent? Download a copy of the Baptismal Form


Baptized Catholics in a state of grace, and who are observing the Eucharistic fast are invited to come forward for Holy Communion. By a ‘state of grace’ is meant those who are not conscious of any grave sin which has yet to be absolved by sacramental Confession. Proper observation of the Eucharistic fast is no food or drink (other than water) one hour prior to the reception of Holy Communion, although some may prefer to observe the older discipline of 3 hours or from midnight.

Holy Communion at St Francis de Sales is received exclusively kneeling at the communion rail and on the tongue. There is no need to say "Amen" after receiving, the priest will say it for you. Walk back reverently to your pew and commune with the God Whom you have just received and Who is now present in you Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.

CCD Program

The parish program for Catholic education (CCD) provides our students an environment conducive to their highest spiritual, intellectual, and moral development. Our program runs from August through May every Sunday for all youth kindergarten through 12th grade.

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Confessions: 30 min. before Mass

Confession, as with all the other sacraments at SFdS, is administered in Latin; and the priest sits behind a screen while the penitent kneels. 

The steps to Confession are:
After entering the confessional, kneel down facing the screen with the priest on the opposite side.
Make the sign of the cross. (The priest will do the same in Latin: In nomine Patri…et Spiritus Sancti.)
Say the following: “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned; it has been [however long] since my last confession.”
Confess your sins to the priest (Mortal sins must be confessed in kind and number)
Conclude by saying, “ I am sorry for these sins and for all the sins of my past life.”
The priest will give advice (if necessary) and assign a penance to be performed after leaving.
Recite the Act of Contrition. (During this time, the Priest will be reciting quietly in Latin.)
Finally, the Priest will give you absolution (in Latin) and dismiss you.

If at any time you have a question or find yourself stuck, the priest will kindly help you along.

Anointing of the Sick

For a sacramental emergency, 

call (770) 948-6888

and select option 9


Parishioners must contact one of the priests a minimum of six months prior to a desired wedding date.

Please call the Parish Office at 770-948-6888 during parish office hours for more information on the sacrament of Marriage.

Holy Orders

Please call the Parish Office at 770-948-6888 to make an appointment with one of our priests.

iTEM Blessings

You are invited to bring your items to the communion rail at 8:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month for a blessing by the priest. After the blessing, you may take your items home. Kindly refrain from leaving items at the church for blessing or bringing bottles of water for this purpose. Holy Water is available for your use from the tank located in the church vestibule. Thank you for your understanding.

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