An apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter for the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
Without the sacrifices of many families and individuals since the founding of the St. Francis de Sales Latin Mass Community in 1995, our beloved parish would not exist. Because of those sacrifices and many, many prayers, the Lord has built a lovely community in the Archdiocese of Atlanta dedicated to the worship of God and the pursuit of holiness by means of the traditional liturgy of the Catholic Church. But just as in the spiritual life a person who is not advancing regresses, so also with the life of a parish: if we are not advancing as a parish, we would regress.
The Social Hall and Classrooms are in need of renovations. We would love your support.
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Give to the sanctification of priests. Give to the salvation of souls. Give to the glory of God.
Your faithful support of the FSSP preserves our precious faith for the next generation.
This year the theme of the Archbishop's Annual Appeal is
We are One Body in Christ
Click below to Give. Select "St. Francis de Sales" in the designation box as the parish to benefit from your generosity. Note: Once the pledge payments have surpassed our goal, all of the additional funds are returned to our parish.
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