
Volunteer Opportunities

Time is a very precious gift and all of us have been blessed with various talents. We encourage you to use your talents to bless the community we belong to. Please consider giving your time and talent by becoming a volunteer. If you have any questions or would like to explore the many volunteer opportunities available, please contact the Father Favole 770-948-6888 ext 101.

We look forward to having you join our team! May God reward you!

Volunteer Onboarding Process

St. Francis de Sales is committed to providing a safe environment. All new and existing volunteers must complete the following steps.

- Submit a completed Volunteer Application directly to the office.

- Submit to a background screen by the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
- Attach proof of Virtus Training completion within the last five years, if applicable. 

- Volunteers under 18 must submit a completed parent/guardian form.


The Archdiocese of Atlanta offers the Virtus Protecting God’s Children safe environment training program for adults and children. Trainings are regularly hosted throughout the Archdiocese for all volunteers working with children, youth, or vulnerable individuals.


To register for a VIRTUS training class click here

To download a volunteer application click here

If you have any questions, please contact the parish office at 770-948-6888

Liturgical Environment

Under the direction of our Sacristan with the support of our Usher Lead and the President of our Altar Guild, the Liturgical Environment teams play a crucial role in creating a welcoming and sacred atmosphere for worship. 

The Safety Team and Ushers are men of the parish who assist at the Sunday masses to create a safe and friendly atmosphere by greeting and assisting visors, directing parishioners, taking up the collection, and helping out with safety as needed. 

Our parish altar boys strive to give glory to God through service at His holy altar. They serve at High Mass and Low Mass, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, and other liturgical ceremonies as torchbearers, acolytes, thurifers, crucifers, and masters of ceremonies. This privilege is open to men and boys who have received their first Holy Communion. 

The Floral Volunteers enhance the beauty and spiritual atmosphere of the weekly Masses and Liturgical celebrations here at SFDS. Their responsibilities include the arranging, maintaining, and placement of flowers throughout the church. 

Our Church Decor Team is assembled throughout the year under the guidance of our sacristan and at the direction of Fr. Favole to prepare for upcoming Liturgical feasts. Stay connected to News & Events.

Liturgical Linens Volunteers maintain all sacred vestments and cloths.

Liturgical Cleaners are responsible for keeping the sacristy and sanctuary clean.


Under the direction of our Hospitality lead. Our hospitality team consists of our special event hosts, kitchen hosts and baristas who work together to provide an enjoyable experience for the parishioners attending Mass.  Together, they maintain a tidy and organized social hall so parishioners have a pleasant place to rest and socialize between services. They ensure that the kitchen is fully stocked with supplies needed for serving snacks and beverages following each service. They make sure high-traffic areas like tables, counters, and appliances are cleaned and disinfected regularly to maintain a hygienic environment for food preparation and serving. 


Many hands make light work! Joining together with other parishioners for these workdays not only helps improve our church home, but also strengthens our sense of community. Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks

Yard work like trimming bushes, weeding flower beds and raking leaves

• Planting seasonal flowers in pots and beds

• Painting walls, fences, and other exterior surfaces

• Cleaning windows, porches, and sidewalks

• Organizing and tidying storage areas

Even small tasks contribute to the overall improvement. Children can help pick up litter, water plants and help with simple jobs under adult supervision. 

Parishioners with trade skills can register with the church office to be contacted if larger projects arise between workdays that require electrical, plumbing, carpentry or other expertise. 

Lending a hand for a few hours shows your love and commitment to this spiritual home we share. 

Joining together to spruce things up brings us joy and reminds us that through community and service, God's light shines in our church.


Bookstore assistants help keep the bookstore organized, greet customers, operate the cash register, and help with special projects or events. This is a flexible role with various time commitments available.

Money counters assist with counting the weekly collection according to Archdiocese guidelines. Teams of two or more money counters meet once a week at the church office.

The technolgy team is responsible for the information technology structure at SFDS. This includes network, voice, security, audio, video and photography.

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