DMI Survey

Disciple Maker Index Survey - Opens March 5th thru April 7th

St. Francis de Sales is on a journey to know, love, and serve Christ in our parish community. Together we are called to embrace Christ’s vision for missionary discipleship so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow together in faith.

Archbishop Hartmayer has asked each parish in the Archdiocese to reflect on how well the parish embraces that mission - and he has provided us with the means to determine where we are on our journey - the Disciple Maker Index (DMI). This reflection involves assessing our greatest strengths and opportunities, and that is where the Disciple Maker Index comes in! The Disciple Maker Index (DMI) is a tool offered by Catholic Leadership Institute that provides a rich assessment of where parishioners are in their faith lives and their experience of parish life, all to help parish leaders in the planning process.

Your input is essential for strengthening our parish and helping our leadership prepare for the future. The findings of the survey will be shared in June 2025. Please be assured that all responses will be confidential, and the parish will only receive information about the community as a whole. The survey will be available online, or you can pick up a paper copy from the table in the gym or the church vestibule. Completed paper surveys can be placed in the Sunday collection or submitted to the parish office.

At St. Francis de Sales, we are blessed in many ways. Together we will strive to grow in missionary discipleship. Please continue to pray for this intention and for the growth and protection of our parish.

Click here to take the Survey

The survey should take you between 10-15 minutes to complete.

Please do not skip questions unless instructed to do so.

We thank you for your participation in this important initiative.

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